Request for Bluetooth Amplifier Board Hifi Stereo 2.0 TPA3116D2 2 x 50 W Part

Name of the part
Bluetooth Amplifier Board Hifi Stereo 2.0 TPA3116D2 2 x 50 W

Previous work, similar parts

Top view
This picture shows the part from above, so that is easy to see were connectors should go, and which diameter they have.

The official documentation of the part manufacture is linked here:

User Manual, but it’s not really usefull.

From Amzn:

Chip: TPA3116D2 (mit AM-Interferenz-Suppperession).
Bluetooth-Version: 5.0 (ohne Okklusion 15m).
Bluetooth-Name: Wuzhi Audio.
Audio-Eingang: AUX + Bluetooth + USB-Stick + Computer USB-Soundkarte (Plug and Play).
Kanal: 2.0 Stereo
Anschlussspannung: 9-24V.
Lautsprecher: 10-100W, 4-8Ohm.
12V - 8O/12W2; 4O/20W2
15V - 8O/18W2; 4O/30W2
19V - 8O/32W2; 4O/40W2
24V - 8O/38W2; 4O/50W2
Schutzmechanismus: Überhitzung, Unterspannung, Überhitzung, DC-Erkennung, Kurzschlussschutz

Measurements: 6 x 6 x 1,8 cm; 68 Gramm

I did not read this
Breakout board, sub assembly, plug in module (A)
Antenna (AE)
Battery (BT)
Capacitor (C)
Diode (D)
Display (DS)
Fuse (F)
Hardware , mounting screws, etc. (H)
Jack, fixed part of a connector pair, header (J)
Relay (K)
Inductor, Coil, Ferrite bead (L)
Loudspeaker, Buzzer (LS)
Motor (M)
Microphone (MK)
Plug, moveable part of a connector pair (P)
Transistor (Q)
Resistor (R)
Thermistor (RT)
Varistor (RV)
Switch (S)
Transformer (T)
Integrated Circuit (IC)
Crystal, Oscillator (Y)
Zender diode (Z)
[ x ] Other (please specifiy)



Although it is impossible to tell without a web site (and a google search for “Bluetooth Amplifier Board Hifi Stereo 2.0 TPA3116D2 2 x 50 W” doesn’t turn up any hits that match the picture) there isn’t enough information here to make a part and I doubt it would be worth it even if there was sufficient information as it likely won’t connect to anything else.


Hey Peter,

I bought this Amp from Amazon.

I will use it in connection with the Ugreen USB Audio adapter which is connected to an RPI3 via USB.

The only thing that will connect to anything in Fritzing is the speakers

all the rest of the inputs will have no connection in Fritzing. While it is possible to make a part for this, it is work and I don’t see a point to it.


Thank’s for your time. Can we close this request?