Remove some thru-holes

My layout uses a Arduino Micro. It has 34 pin but I am only using 7 of them. When I export for PCB all of the pins have a thru-hole. I’d like to remove some of the unused thru-holes to make trace routing easier. How can I remove some thru-holes?

You would have to create a new part without the holes you want to avoid. The problem with that will usually be that the pins exist on the physical part and thus it won’t be able to be mounted (as well as the fact that making parts is difficult.) It is usually easier to reroute the traces.


OK, I took your advice and routed around the outside of the Mirco. The board is only slightly bigger because of it. Thanks Peter.

If you would like to upload the sketch (the .fzz file, upload is 7th icon from the left in the reply menu) I will have a look at it and see if I can see any routing improvements.
