Release tag 0.9.8 source code

Thank you for keeping Fritzing alive :slight_smile:

I was wondering if the release tag for 0.9.8 are somewhere to be found. I can not see them on the github repository. Latest tag is 0.9.6



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I confirm only seeing 0.9.6 tag, and no 0.9.8 tag. Also there are 31 pending “pull requests”.

I was interested in submitting “pull requests” but this might be useless. Is there a possibility of a “pull requests” to be accepted?

The code of 0.9.10 is in the main brach.
Pull requests are reviewed and they are being merged if they accepted. The process takes time (they are kept open until the next release), but I got several of my bug fixes accepted. However, I think that PRs regarding the compilation are usually not merged.