Looking at the PCB, something needs to be corrected. While your routing is less complex than mine, the GNDs have to be addressed.
In audio, each stage must have its own individual GND and all GNDs must come together and GND at only one point. GNDs cannot be shared among stages, as it creates a ground loop and allows noise to be introduced. That is why I had each stage’s GND tracing to the bypass cap.
It also now appears to remember the rats nest wires (which is likely a bug) so that the rats nest is still incorrect. Presumably that is why the duplicate / replace fixes the problem.
I presume the ratsnest “memory” is still around as a bug given some problems that I’m seeing. Is the known good technique to wire correctly in the schematic view, do the PCB, and then do the breadboard? Then if any mistakes are noticed, place new components? Did you really breadboard the Speeduino?
Thank-you for your reply, I was able to resolve the stray ratsnest in a 20 net sample providing an opportunity to resume sorting out a couple of 50 to 60 net sketches.
“The part gets pushed off the breadboard and its connected with wires and that’s because fritzing is trying to reflect the solid connections in PCB view.”
I would suggest that fritzing should just add ratsnest wires and leave the part where it is. We have enough part jumping around behaviours as it is. Another comment would be that perhaps the handles on features shouldn’t get zoomed along with the parts themselves.
Another curious behaviour lies in what actually happens when a ratsnest line is deleted. It seems to delete the associated connections in other views but perhaps an expanded definition of what it does would be helpful.
I assume that “wires” in that is the ratsnest lines. The overall intent is to maintain the connections between parts across views, BUT the graphical position of parts is totally independent on each view. There is no need for the part layout on breadboard view to be the same as (or even close to to that) on the pcb view. So when a part is placed in one view, that part is also automatically placed in the other views (barring special cases where some parts only exist in one view). That placement location (in other views) seems to be somewhat random. At least I have not noticed a pattern I can rely on. So my general process is when switching views (after placing parts), is to fit the view, then move any of those odd positioned parts near the rest, then fit again and continue.
Until you move it (after placing in a different view), the part does not have a location to leave it at. That said, the default/initial location could be better chosen. At or just beyond the edge of the bounding rectangle for the view (for parts that have actually been positioned in the view).
That is one of the operations that tends to cause problems. It is much more reliable to go to the view(s) that have real (solid) connections, then delete (or move) that. Assuming that removes the last solid path (in any view) between the connectors, the ratsnest will go away on the other views. Or it should at least. There are sequences of operations that can get Fritzing confused about what connections are supposed to exist in each view. The somewhat documented cases involve switching views multiple times, creating and deleting connections in each. Fritzing works better when the connections are all created in a single view, then routed (without creating new connections) in the other views of interest. That is not a “requirement”, but it does reduce problems related to ratsnest, wires, and traces.
No, it’s actually wires - see vid below -. The guy is right, in that it’s a bit annoying having to delete all the wires from something like a multi pin part, ie, IC - it’s quicker to delete the part -. BB has that safety feature of not causing a conflict, so long as the part is on the BB, but other views will tangle if you’re not careful.