Adobe Illustrator is a bad choice for fritzing.
Download Inkscape 1.3 here:
V1.4 works too
Your part can be improved:
Your schematic layout is wrong.
I recommend using Randy’s Fritzing-schematic Inkscape Extension, which can be found here:
To use, start with a blank svg, go to Extensions > Fritzing > Fritzing-Schematic
You will then get to a screen like this:
Go to Schematic Symbol tab and change the label to “QI Wireless Charging TX + RX” (summarize the title, short and sweet) and set width to “0.9” and height to “0.5”
Then, go to the Schematic Connectors tab and set to:
Once done, click the “Apply” button at the bottom of the tab.
You will then get prompted to a screen. Fill in the names of the connectors like this
and press “Finished”. You’ll then get a schematic like this: