QI Wireless Wall to USB Charging Tx and Rx


QI Wireless Wall to USB Charging Tx + Rx.fzpz (386.2 KB)




By: Gavin Kress
Version: 1
Date: 01/01/2025
Contact: me@gavinkress.org

Standard 5V 1A USB-C QI Wireless Rx (power limiting agent)

Standard Wall Outlet Powered QI Wireless charging Tx

Adobe Illustrator is a bad choice for fritzing.

Download Inkscape 1.3 here:

V1.4 works too

Your part can be improved:


Your schematic layout is wrong.

I recommend using Randy’s Fritzing-schematic Inkscape Extension, which can be found here:

To use, start with a blank svg, go to Extensions > Fritzing > Fritzing-Schematic

You will then get to a screen like this:

Go to Schematic Symbol tab and change the label to “QI Wireless Charging TX + RX” (summarize the title, short and sweet) and set width to “0.9” and height to “0.5”

Then, go to the Schematic Connectors tab and set to:

Once done, click the “Apply” button at the bottom of the tab.

You will then get prompted to a screen. Fill in the names of the connectors like this
and press “Finished”. You’ll then get a schematic like this:

svg.schematic.QI Wireless Wall to USB Charging Tx + Rx _b9c27b1b5151912c50ce7515089e60ed_3_schematic

By the way do you have the datasheet of the part?

The primary problem with using Illustrator is the svg is dimensioned in px, usually at 72DPI which Fritzing will guess at the DPI conversion for (using only 72DPI and 90DPI I think) unfortunately current Inkscape versions use 96DPI so the size when converted to inches will be wrong unless you rescale the image that is likely what is causing the size change in the images here. You need to find the data sheet for the original part and get its exact size in inches or mm to set the svg to its real world size which is what Fritzing is looking for.