QC4.0 QC3.0 Type-C USB PD65W Fast Charging Adapter Module DC8-32V 3.25A 65W Step Down Module For Huawei SCP/FCP Apple PD


Can anyone help me with this part ?


It looks easy enough to do, which of the two do you want (two seem to have different size barrel jacks as input and the third has pads for input power?)


Version 31.80 mm x 20.00 mm

This part should do what you want. Note pcb only contains the input pads, and the mounting holes are by default not drilled. If you want mounting holes you need to drag a hole in to the sketch, set the size appropriately then drag it on top of the mounting holes in silkscreen.

cks-pd65W.fzpz (11.7 KB)


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Wow! I don’t understand how you manage to create a new part so well and in such a short time. Thank you and congratulations for the work done.

Once you have experience (and I have been making parts for 7 or 8 years now) it isn’t that difficult. I have tools (which I mostly didn’t need for this part) and a collection of breadboard elements for parts (without connectors) to cut and paste in to breadboard. That is most of what this part needs. Randy’s Inkscape schematic extension made the schematic and pcb is a copy of breadboard with some minor editing.


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I really like Fritzing and I think it is one of the best applications in the field for beginners. Maybe it would be good to have a Telegram group for enthusiasts and supporters. At the same time, there should be presentation sessions/webinars on different topics. For example “how do we make a part”.

There are instructions in the tutorials section of the forums, but it isn’t particularly easy even with that. Most folks take a look and give up (not without cause!) That’s why I tend to make parts for folks it isn’t worth learning it for a single part. There is development work going on on parts editor (which wasn’t completed when development stopped in 2016) but I don’t know of projected release date yet.


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