Push button as normally closed

OK here is a new part copied from that push button. You can load this one along side the one from core to compare the two. I made a number of changes in schematic (shortened it by .1 in, set the picture to a NC push button), if you would rather have the original it is a simple change, so just ask.


I have updated this part and added a partner no version. I changed the family to not impact the core part, but that appears to cause a problem sometimes. If Ioad both new parts at the same time I can switch between default state normally open and normally closes in inspector and schematic will correctly switch between variants (but Fritzing complains about no exact match, so used the closest part). Some times the search seems to break and you can’t change from on variant to the other. Don’t know why yet (probably special code for parts in core) but I’ll poke at it later. In any case you now have both variants of a push button switch.

Round Pushbutton_no.fzpz (23.9 KB)

Round Pushbutton_nc.fzpz (22.8 KB)


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