I am trying to create an Arduino to measure rain water, using this rain sensor: rainSensor.fzz (54.0 KB) .
I want the sensor to be inside my project, but when I try to import the file (converted into .fzpz extention) I get the message error: “Unable to to load the file from …”
An fzz file is a sketch, not a part file. Open the fzz file, and go to the “TEMP” bin (which is the default when opening the sketch). The part is in the bin. Right click the sensor part, Export Part, and save it as something like “YL-83 Rain Sensor.fzpz”. Close Fritzing (all windows). Start Fritzing again. Open the exported fzpz file. That puts it in the “MINE” bin, where it is ready to use. To keep it in the bin, be sure to “keep the imported parts” and "save changes you made in the bin “My Parts” when you next exit Fritzing.
There SHOULD be simpler ways, but this procedure works.
You can’t. A .fzz file is a sketch (containing a bunch of parts which are .fzpz files) and the wires that connect them. In general you can’t make a part out of a sketch (with sufficient work you may be able to convert a sketch in to a part, but it is a manual process.)
Upload the .fzz file you want to make in to a part (upload is 7th icon from the left in the reply menu) and I’ll have a look at it and see what is possible. I’m unclear on why you would want to convert a sketch in to a part, but perhaps the sketch will enlighten me. The most likely way forward is to make a new part that matches the sketch assuming that is possible.
You can’t easily (nor sensibly) make the entire sketch in to a part. Assuming you want the rain sensor control board and rain sensor as parts, they are in the temp parts bin:
enclosed in the green circle on the top right. Right click on the part in the temp bin and select “export part” to write a .fzpz file to the file system which is I expect what you want to do.
Follow the steps in the images in the last post above.
Download the rainSensor.fzz file and load it in to Fritzing by either double clicking on the file or
In the Temp parts bin in the sketch (circled in green in the image above) right click on the rain sensor (the left icon)
Select Export part and click save
That will create a “YL-83 Rain Sensor - Detection Board.fzpz” file in the file system which you can then load as a part (either by double clicking on it or the File->load->YL-83 Rain Sensor - Detection Board.fzpz method) to use in Fritzing.