Printing PCBs with Fritzing

Hi all,

first post, yay! I have to say 'm a big fan of Fritzing, it’s one of my favorite applications ever.
Thanks to the community that supported the development!

I’m designing a little RPi HAT these days, but i have very little experience in circuit design and if the Fritzing print service is suited for this.

Below is an image and the .fzz of the latest version of my circuit. Can i print this (ugly) circuit with the Fritzing PCB service and expect it to work?



mamr_control_2.fzz (21.6 KB)

While hopefully one of those more expert in making boards than I will also comment, there are a few problems. First you should run the design rules check (pcb view routing->Design Rules Check (DRC)) which has a number of complaints about your layout. Here is a sketch that removes all the complaints as a starting point. As noted I’d wait for the opinion of someone that does more boards than I do. In general I like as many traces as possible on the bottom of the board. Runs should be as short as possible. Corners should be at 45 degrees (not right angle) for rf reasons although that probably doesn’t matter here. In any case here is an effort that passes the DRC check.

mamr_control_3.fzz (23.2 KB)


I would agree with what Peter said about the corners and running the DRC. Peters version may have solved the DRC issues by reducing the traces that go between the pins to 8mil but I would go a step further and make the board a little larger (1.5mm) so you have room run those traces around the outside and avoid going between pins unless absolutely needed.

Here is what I came up with quickly. I turned off the snap to grid feature as I do not like it. I moved 1 resistor to make routing better. I added 1.5mm to one direction to make room to go around the header pins rather than between them.

If you use my file be sure to check the circuit and part placement as I wasn’t that careful.
mamr_control_3.fzz (22.7 KB)

Also I would not use Aisler to make the boards. It does not seem to help Fritzings development seeing as how even those of us involved can not get a hold of anyone in charge and development has all but stopped so I see no reason to pay 20 times as much for PCBs to them if that extra money is not going into Fritzing. I get my boards all made at Elecrow and it only cost $4.90 for 10 high quality boards with your choice of thickness and color etc. Here is my affiliate link Elecrow If yiou use my link I will get a few points I can use on my next PCB order. You will find the same prices from other places like Seeedstudio and Dirty PCBs

Peter, thank you very much for your help and the hints!
The Design Rule Checker is, indeed, very valuable.

I have another circuit to design, then i can print my first circuits.

Thanks again and have a great day,


You are most welcome. Feel free to post your next design as well and we will look it over too.


Thanks for the great work!

Also I would not use Aisler to make the boards. It does not seem to help Fritzings development seeing as how even those of us involved can not get a hold of anyone in charge and development has all but stopped

Sounds fair. I’ve read about a somewhat troubled development history of Fritzing and that’s really sad for a great piece of software like Fritzing.

I’ll checkout Elecrow for printing my designs.



You are most welcome. Feel free to post your next design as well and we will look it over too.


So long,
