Power Rails ONLY Custom Breadboard

Hello, I am trying to create a parts bin to help my fellow students in my uni as I use this application most of the time to design and plan things ahead. Now, i want to create a custom breadboard that is only Power rails like ground and vcc rail, and I was thinking if are there already people who already made this kind of part, since i don’t want to repeat it, and i’m not really an expert on this, but I do think it could save me hours of creating this, and possible could turn out badly at the end. Would gladly appreciate it!

Like this only:

A google search for “fritzing part breadboard power rail” turns up a variety of hits. While not exactly like this, there is a power strip (it has only 4 connections not 5 per group) there is one here:

I recall but can’t currently find an earlier power strip part. A search in the forum search bar may turn it up.


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Thank you for the fast response, this is a great start, and just tried searching in Forums about Power strip, though i don’t think there’s one yet that implements the one in my attachment or i’m just blind, and possibly, i’ll try to create one or modify one. Thanks for the help, highly appreciate it Peter!

Try this one. I started (but never finished making it) for the ELV-58832 breadboard I made for someone.

breadboard-ELV-58832-pwr-strip.fzpz (7.7 KB)


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Thank you so much, peter!