Possible Bug for Screw Terminal under Core Parts

Under Core parts, there are 4 types of 2-pin screw terminals, each with different pin spacing width: 0.1inch, 0.137inch, 0.2inch, 0.3inch. However, when I drag them out into the breadboard view, they seem to exhibit same width and size. Is it that I am not doing it correctly?



If you selecting the pitch width in Inspector for Screw Terminal(blue one), you will see the part change in PCB view. I assume it’s designed to not change in BB view so it plugs into the BB.

I see! I was using them in Inkscape on my perfboard drawing, which does not seem to be a good idea… Is there a way to adjust the dimension in svg view? Thank you!

Each of the Fritzing views (breadboard, schematic, icon, pcb) is a separate svg file. I assume you meant adjust the dimensions in the breadboard view. Not directly. For normal parts, Fritzing does not do any adjustment to any of the dimensions. It just switches to a different part, which has (potentially) a different svg file for every view. If the new part has different scaling in one or more views, Fritzing shows it.

If you are creating your drawing using Inkscape, you can use that to scale objects to fit the physical terminal block spacing.

In INK arrow select the group and just adjust it with the dimensions along the top toolbar.

You do know FZ has perf and strip board in it.