Hi everyone,
I am interested to have my PCB delivered asap and Fritzing looks like a nice platform for the same. Could someone please tell me if I can export my existing Eagle design to Fritzing. If not, then how to import the Eagle library to fritzing.
you might want to try this
Might help get you rolling in Fritzing. Good luck to you!!
Thanks @landracer. I could successfully export my eagle files to Fritzing, thankyou so much. Now, the schematic does not show any connections, also how can can route manually/with autorouter ?
Can I get a picture of what the board is suppose to look like? Looks like you’ll have to manually advance your project from this point. I’ll help you what I can.
Hi @landracer please see how the circuit is expected to look like.
It is a USB power supply board with three LM2596 Ic’s to step down to 12 and 5 V output. Arduino uC provides basic control and monitoring.
Please have a look thankyou in advance.
What do the other view(s) of your board look like in fritzing, ie PCB/schematic view? Did it bring over any components?