Pololu DRV8835 fzpz


need a fzpz-file from the Pololu DRV8835 motordriver.

Who ca help me?


It looks to be a standard DIP spacing so you can use a generic IC from the core parts and set it to 14 pins. Also be sure it is set to have a 300mil pin spacing.

Or as always you could make google your friend. A search for fritzing part DRV8835 turns up


which happens to contain a fritzing part for the DRV8835 motor driver (it will appear in the temp parts bin when the sketch is loaded to fritzing and a right click and export part will get you a copy of just the motor driver part).


Hallo vanepp,

is a cool tipp.


Tried the above part, and while it is ok in breadboard view, in pcb view it has only 12 pins, instead of 14. Any idea on a corrected part for the drv8835?

I apparently made but never posted a corrected version a couple of years ago so this part should do what you want.

DRV8835-Dual-Motor-Driver-Carrier-fixed.fzpz (6.9 KB)


This one should do the trick.