When installing a Linux program the installing process finds/corrects and installs dependent/required files.
The real correct way to fix this is to do the same for the windows installer; the windows Fritzing installer should ( check if there is a access to the C++ libraries or just have a popup choice to install the dependent/required C++ libraries )
This is how other software installers make sure that the C++ libraries are installed during the installation process.
They don’t have a error message saying that a file (that is not included in the download doesn’t exist). A error message saying that a file is missing sounds like the download or install process (isn’t one) failed to install a file.
When in fact, the missing file is not missing… it was never installed.
At the very least create a readme.txt file that says:
Manual install method.
- Download Fritzing
- Download windows C++ libraries here http://download.microsoft.com/download/d/d/9/dd9a82d0-52ef-40db-8dab-795376989c03/vcredist_x86.exe
- Install C++ libraries
- UnZip Fritzing
- Goto the fritzing folder for example fritzing.0.9.3b.32.pc
- Select all files and folders in the fritzing.0.9.3b.32.pc folder
and Right click and choose COPY
- Goto C:\Program Files and make a new folder called fritzing
- Goto the C:\Program Files\fritzing folder and right click inside
the empty window and choose paste from the menu to paste
all the fritzing files and folders to the C:\Program Files\fritzing
4b. (take more skill, most windows people can not do this)
- UnZip Fritzing to C:\Program Files\fritzing.0.9.3b.32.pc\
- Rename the folder from fritzing.0.9.3b.32.pc to fritzing
In the windows explorer go to C:\Program Files\fritzing
and RIGHT CLICK on fritzing.exe and drag the fritzing icon to the desktop
and release the RIGHT mouse button… then left click on
create shortcut here… to create a shortcut to the Fritzing exe program.—
I have tried your software because I needed to draw out a simple debouncing Series switches and each of the switches have off/on led indicators.
I don’t know anything about electronics and thanks to your software I was able to drag and drop connections until the solution became clear to see.
For me, I only needed this software for this one thing and it worked very well and it is my hopes that more standard parts will be added and that it will become the best one day.
My wish list:
1 - dupont pin headers 2.54mm spacing between pins
( good for breadboards, RAMPS, arduino projects )
2 - Ground and power source to be included in the Breadboard options
3 - Option Button on Breadboard/schematic/PCB windows that would
highlight wires/ratsnest that are not attached at both ends or some other solution: I created on the breadboard then adjusted in the schematic and used the auto-route in the PCB and when I returned to the breadboard a lot of the
wires that I had drew were still there even though they were removed in either the schematic or PCB windows…
Lastly, I would like to thank you for having a forum where strangers like me can post and let you know our experience for first three days using your software.