Hi again guys!
Hope you all are well.
This time I started designing a new PCB for another project.
Last PCB was power supplied by 3 wallmarts and due to that it was really heavy and not really confortable to transport.
Now im switching to use only one PSU (its actually a switched mode power supply), 5v 6A output.
The thing is that I have to power supply some 2812b led strips, and several components on my PCB with those 5v.
For connections, I choosed screw terminals to PCB (up to 6A each), but I decided to take differents inputs from the PSU to the PCB just to avoid the traces to get burn.
All traces has commond GND with Arduino Nano, but a separated live (+).
I designed first the BB view with my components and after that, I started designing my PCB.
I’m attaching 2 fritzing projects, one of them is with the actual configuration (with 9 ky003 modules plus mentioned above components) and the other one is the one focused to be on the PCB (since i’m using female connectors for data IN and also female connectors for the common ground and 5v+ from arduino).
Somehow, I got a mess on the PCB and now I’m Kinda lost. I tried to make the GND connections ootside the Nano Iitself (maybe im lacking on basic electronic theory, thinking to avoid high current passing through the Nano).
First, I’ll like to know if you, experts, can help me out with this design and identify the possible problems. (Something doens’t look well to me but I can’t figure it up what is it).
Second, about current flowing I’m not sure if the traces have enough widght to hold the current.
I calculated that the “LED CAJA” will be drawing at maximun 1,5A current and the LED MESA will be drawing 1A Max.
Took a look to several “trace widght calculators” but it doens’t make any sense to me, the numbers displayed are too large that not even Fritzing is letting me the option to set up the traces to that widght.
Will the current flow properly with this design? Will I have any problems like overheating or not enough current? Would you improve something on the PCB design?
Thanks very much for your help guys, I really appreciatte your hard effords with this noob…
Kind regards,.
Frozen Giant diagrams for PCB.fzz (92.0 KB) Frozen Giant diagrams.fzz (97.0 KB)