in the db9 male or female part
the pins 2 and 3 are missing and there is an extra pins 10 and 11.
My version of Fritzing and my operating system:
Version 0.9.3
Please also attach any files that help explaining this problem
in the db9 male or female part
the pins 2 and 3 are missing and there is an extra pins 10 and 11.
Version 0.9.3
Can you not just rename the pin numbers? It is a 9 pin connector.
As to male or female, it depends which one you chose (Inspector should tell you which it is if you click on the part or look at breadboard view) as both genders are available. As this is a Sparkfun part I assume they had some with very odd pin numbers since those are certainly not standard. However as smilliken pointed out it is pretty easy to change the pin numbers and most Sparkfun parts work well.
thank you for your answers
but how can i change the pin number
Right-click on the part and Edit (new part editor), and along the top tabs go to connectors. Then Save as new part.
thank you Old_Grey
i did it, the numbers that i can change are right
you can see in the picture that id conector 1 exist but id conector 2 doesnt exist
can you check by yourself please
Opps, it’s the actual text in the svg drawing. If you hover over the connector it gives the correct #, but because it’s in the svg you have to manually edit the svg.
It looks like I’ll have to edit two views, is there anything else you want me to change.
thank you for your answer
how can i change the svg
Whatever the connector ID is in the .fzp… the connector number when you hover over it in the views will be one number higher. i.e. if , then the pin number will be 28 in FZ views when hovered on… connector id=“connector0” is name=“Pin 1”… this was always confusing…
thank you it s ok
how did you do?
Like this
thank you sir
you re my captain