Parts couldn't be shown after installing on UBUNTU

There were 2 loading course, when I picked it, it prompted:
Unable to find the following 157 parts.

So, when I closed the prompt, the interface was thus.

and when I opened Fritzing, imported into it from the directory I download “fritzing-part-development”, it show thus.

That looks like you have an old or corrupt version of the parts library. The command line allows it to be found, but it is old or bad. In a terminal window, change to the fritzing-parts-develop folder, and run

git remote -v
git status
git log

git log could provide pages of information. just press “q” at the end of the first page. That will show where the information is coming from, what and when the latest updates were done to the parts. If that is not February of this year, it is out of date.

That will not work if you do not have the git program installed. It will also probably not work if that folder was created from a zip download of the parts library. I think the zip download does not get the git information.

What do you mean by “imported from the directory”? That sounds like it might be a mix up between the core parts library and adding custom parts. The core parts are not imported. That is what the “–parts” option is supposed to handle. It tells Fritzing where the core parts library is, so that it knows where to look for all of those parts that it says can not be found.

The screenshot provided with the

post shows what looks like a good start of Fritzing, with the core parts on the right. Then the latest set of screen shots show different and missing information. Did you try to import the parts folder after it was already loaded?

I have not reload the library, last time, after I drawing, I just close the software and leave.

When I start Fritzing in CLI, it would create “fritzing” directory in /Home/Documents after I had deleted it.
So, this time I download “fritzing-parts-development” again from github and use the command you gave me again.

I deleted the 2 directories when I start Fritzing, and copied the library into it, but this time, the library couldn’t run even once.

So, ,my question is:
I have installed Fritzing on Ubuntu by “sudo apt-get install fritzing”, it was OK when I open it, but the parts was not there, and I download a zip file from github, extracted it, but the Fritzing could not find them.

I have used the command line:“fritzing --parts”/HOME/Documents/…", it was work, but could only work for one time.

And I have seen in Fritzing website, it asked user pay 8 EURO for it, is this the reason ?

I believe that the version that apt-get will install, is 0.9.3b. What you can get from the web site is currently 0.9.4b. There have been changes that could be the cause of some of the problems you have seen. If apt-get did install 0.9.4, the problem is probably that you did not wait after starting fritzing the first time. On initial startup, the parts library does not exist. It is not installed with the application. The first thing Fritzing does is go get it, but that takes time. (it is not a small library) Aborting that, because it looks broken with no parts, ends up with a broken library.

The screen shot shows that you ran frizting without specifying “–parts” to point to the downloaded library. From those messages, whatever configuration Fritzing is using was looking for the library as being your home folder. That is the home folder BEING the library, not the library IN the home folder. Since that is (I expect) wrong, the parts library folders it is trying to use do not exist.

You mentioned downloading the parts library again. That post showed a different name for the library folder than before. Did you change the argument after “–parts” to point to where the folder is after the new download?

More options: delete all of the manually downloaded parts library folders, and (if it exists) the “fritzing” (or "Fritzing) folder inside the documents folder. “sudo apt-get uninstall fritzing”. Verify the fritzing related folders are gone. “sudo apt-get install fritzing”. start Fritzing. WAIT. Go for coffee. Go for lunch if needed. You should get a message (assuming version 0.9.4) that the parts library has been downloaded, or that it could not be downloaded. I do not know for sure what the configuration is set to for the app install on Ubuntu, but that probable creates a “Fritzing” folder inside of Documents, and a “parts” folder inside of that. And that parts folder is where Fritzing will look by default, if you are not using the “–parts” option to tell it different.

Another option is to uninstall the exiting Fritzing app as above, then install the version from Flathub instead. That is what I am using (on Fedora, not Ubuntu). It takes a bit more work on Ubuntu to get flatpak installed, but that will get version 0.9.4b, if apt-get only sees 0.9.3b. That installation also has problems get the parts library updated. I use a manually downloaded parts library (using git instead of zip), plus a small script file that points to it, so I do not need to type it in each time.

#! /bin/sh
flatpak run --env=QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb org.fritzing.Fritzing --parts "$HOME/Documents/data_files/fritzing-parts" "$@" &

Where my manually download is the “fritzing-parts” folder, stored in “Documents/data_files”. The platform part of that, is to tell flatpak to run Fritzing with X11 instead of Wayland. I had some glitches previously where the currently used version of QT (needed by Fritzing) was not compatible with the current version of Wayland on Fedora.

I just uninstall and install again Fritzing by “Ubuntu Software”. Should I click “launch” or not ?

I clicked “Launch”, and the 3 error prompts appeared again, should I waiting ?

I do not recall that screen when I started up. It includes ubuntu specific information. It does show version 0.9.3b though, so I do not think the parts library will do the automatic update I was talking about. There should still BE a parts library, but it will be out of date.

Likely nothing to wait for with that version.

It was prompted just now, Fritzing from Flathub couldn’t be installed on Ubuntu, so I installed it from “Ubuntu Software” again. Since the file was just a little more than 8 M, the parts surely not included.

To install from flathub, you first need to have flatpak installed. Which is not quite standard, but is supposed to be available.

Yes, I installed it as it was said in its homepage, but:

Just now, I copied “fritzing-parts-development” into:

Now, it works. But there were 2 ones:

I don’t know which is which. The difference is: the left one is OK, but I should change my display setting from 200% to 100%.

Since I tried several times, open-close-open-close…, every time, it was OK, so I hope maybe it will run well.

Just see.

The first thing I did this morning was testing Fritzing, when I typed in CLI, the same with past, it couldn’t run. When I click the left ICON in “Show Applications” (the same with “Start Menu” in Windows), it was OK.