Part wanted : nRF5340 DK board

Name of the part
nRF 5340 DK
Is this DK board part’s Fritzing part is available ?

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The official documentation of the part manufacture is linked here:
(nRF5340 DK - Development kit for the nRF5340, a dual-core Bluetooth 5.2 SoC supporting Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh, NFC, Thread and Zigbee -

Development Kit (Board)

I’m not sure a part is going to be possible. This appears to be very poorly documented. The various images are blurry and the connections unclear. I have not been able to find any clear indication of what the connectors are.


there is what claims to be a schematic and pcb layout, but it doesn’t appear to bear any resemblance to this board. Without better information I expect this isn’t worth attempting.


While at this point I am sorry I made this, here is a part which may do what you want. The pin labels are likely wrong, there is no information on the debug ports that I can find (including pin layout) so they are there but probably not correct. Pcb view is suppressed as not useful.

nrf5340dk.fzpz (41.4 KB)
