Part request: VCF4-1000 Car relay socket for PCB - Thx in advance :)

Name of the part

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[The official documentation of the part manufacture is linked here:

Relaysocket (K)

[E.g. SOT23-5 , TO-220.

Note for those making the part:
The EAGLE Library File (.lbr) is found the website. I downloaded it from here

and here it is:

You need to remove the trailing .fzp to recover the .lbr file (which is what this really is). The forum cannot render other file formats

Could someone please help with this part?, forever greatful =)

This part may do what you want (the data sheet is unclear on the layout). Since a socket is no use to anyone that wants more than pcb view this part includes one of the relays (all obsolete!) that appears to fit the socket. The pcb layout needs to be printed out at 1:1 scale and checked against an actual socket and relay to make sure it is correct.

relay-1432797-1-VCF4-1000.fzpz (4.4 KB)


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