Part Request Pressure Sensor, Vacuum. Please :)

Name of the part
MPXV6115VC6U made by NXP

Previous work, similar parts
I couldn’t find any for vacuum pressure sensors

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Type sorry not sure what this falls under
I did not read this
Breakout board, sub assembly, plug in module (A)
Antenna (AE)
Battery (BT)
Capacitor (C)
Diode (D)
Display (DS)
Fuse (F)
Hardware , mounting screws, etc. (H)
Jack, fixed part of a connector pair, header (J)
Relay (K)
Inductor, Coil, Ferrite bead (L)
Loudspeaker, Buzzer (LS)
Motor (M)
Microphone (MK)
Plug, moveable part of a connector pair (P)
Transistor (Q)
Resistor (R) ?
Thermistor (RT)
Varistor (RV)
Switch (S)
Transformer (T)
Integrated Circuit (IC)
Crystal, Oscillator (Y)
Zender diode (Z)
Other (please specifiy)

E.g. SOT23-5 , TO-220.
not sure it says SOP footprint (case 98ASB17756C) in the data sheet.

Thank you!

There are three of them (none the one you want, but one is close, same footprint slightly different pin out) mpx5050dp, mpx5700AP, Mpxv5004dp all posted in the forum over the years. That said this part should do what you want.

MPXV6115VC6U.fzpz (5.5 KB)


1 Like

Thanks Peter, this is perfect!