Part Request : Mini Charge Pump 0.1A

Name of the part
3,3v 0.1A mini charge pump

Previous work, similar parts
I didn’t find any 3 pin similar parts but I don’t have a specific part number…

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See URL (as a new member, I can not add more than one picture per post. Sorry for that)

The official documentation of the part manufacture is linked here:

I did not read this
Breakout board, sub assembly, plug in module (A)
Antenna (AE)
Battery (BT)
Capacitor (C)
Diode (D)
Display (DS)
Fuse (F)
Hardware , mounting screws, etc. (H)
Jack, fixed part of a connector pair, header (J)
Relay (K)
Inductor, Coil, Ferrite bead (L)
Loudspeaker, Buzzer (LS)
Motor (M)
Microphone (MK)
Plug, moveable part of a connector pair (P)
Transistor (Q)
Resistor (R)
Thermistor (RT)
Varistor (RV)
Switch (S)
Transformer (T)
Integrated Circuit (IC)
Crystal, Oscillator (Y)
Zender diode (Z)
Other (please specifiy)

E.g. SOT23-5 , TO-220.
This usually does not apply to breakout boards.

Thanks a lot for your work !
You are helping people creating amazing things !

It appears that there isn’t a similar Fritzing part.

That said, here is the part you should want. Please stay tuned for any updates. (The part is subjected to issues.)
Charge Pump DC DC Converter Boost Buck.fzpz (13.1 KB)

The mini 360 buck converter is not the part he wants. It is a different size and layout that the par the wants.


Ah, just realised. Edited post above

Looks fine as is.


Thank you guys !!
You are awesome !!

Have a great day :slight_smile: