Part Request: Adafruit MiniBoost 5V @ 1A

Requesting the following part: Adafruit MiniBoost 5V @ 1A (Adafruit MiniBoost 5V @ 1A - TPS61023 : ID 4654 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits)

Having this would be really helpful in my schematic. Thanks!

There appears to be a part in the adafruit Fritzing library here:


Yes, this is the 100mA version (as seen here: Adafruit MiniBoost 5V @ 100mA Charge Pump - AP3602A : ID 3661 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits), not the 1A version being requested. There is a difference in appearance between them.

A slight physical difference, but with identical connectors

schematic and pcb are going to be basically identical. I don’t see much point to a new part.


Indeed, the existing 100mA version can work due to the similarities.

However, the ‘AP3602A’ on the front makes it easy to identify it as a different component. I was hoping to get the request done so I wouldn’t have to explain the component difference outside of the schematic.

This part should do what you want.

TPS61023.fzpz (6.5 KB)


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That is perfect! Thank you for the quick completion!