Part for Songle SLA- 05VDC-SL-C

Hi. I’ve been searching for a part for the Songle SLA-05VDC-SL-C 30A relay. This is a pretty common relay found on Amazon. I have seen the part on a PDF from someone else’s Fritzing schematic, but I cannot find the part for download. Does anyone have this?

I think I did a Songle, or help edit one. Look in parts submit here, or link a datasheet.

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A google search for fritzing part Songle SLA-05VDC-SL-C turns up several parts on github as well at this forum post which points to one of the github parts:


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I did end up using that one instead. Looks just like mine. Thank you.

I remember one Songle part’s drawing wasn’t very good, so I fixed it. It might be the same, or it might be a different Songle.

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