Here are a couple of tutorials on parts creation, if you have specific questions feel free to ask. It looks from breadboard that you are already familiar with an svg editor and that’s the biggest hurdle. As the original poster suggested looking at the svg files for schematic and pcb on one of the raspberry PI parts should give you a good base for what you need to do.
In the end I found it isn’t as bad as it seemed (80 connections with no pins) the connections are there in the svg files, just the fpz was messed up. So I fixed up the fpz file (changed the pins from female to male as they should be and added the busses for the vccs and grds which were missing) and did the first couple or 4 pins in schematic as an example (and added the necessary rectangle for the outline). Now you need to move the rest of the pins in schematic in to position. I suggest (as I started) doing one row of the dual connectors (so connector 0, 2, 4, … , 38) in one bank and the other in a second bank below it (that is started in the schematic in this, the rest is just a lot of work moving the pins which you can do ). Basically I highlighted connector0pin (the y of the connector) then changed the id of the line below it to be connector0pin, then deleted the y and an extra line that was there and moved the connector0pin line to the new postition on the rectangle. Then I moved connector0terminal to be on the very end of the 0pin line. If you repeat those steps for the other pins (which will be a fair bit of work) you will get a reasonable schematic. Then you need to move the connectors on pcb to be in the correct physical position (or not if you don’t care about pcb) and you should be away.
CHIP_mod.fzpz (28.9 KB)