Part Check - CD4049 Hex Converter only reports two important errors:

Error 69: File
At line 8

Found a drawing element before a layerId (or no layerId)

Error 69: File
At line 23

Found a drawing element before a layerId (or no layerId)

to fix this you need to group the svg and assign it a layerId (without the layerId the part will not export as an image!)

Here (in Inkscape) I did an Edit–>select all then Object->group and named the resulting group breadboard to set the layerId. Schematic needs the same with the layerId set to schematic. That said it would be more useful (if a lot more complex!) to start from the 74x125 part which is a variable subpart part which has the logic broken out like this

Here each element can be moved independently of all the others.

You would need to add two elements, move the inverter circles to the output and remove the enable pins. Instructions on making such a part are available here which uses the 74x125 as the example part with the part available to download!
