Hi everyone,
Can somebody explain me the trick to have no soldermask on the pcb in fritzing please.
I would like to put LEDs behind the pcb so that you can see them when they light up.
Hi everyone,
Can somebody explain me the trick to have no soldermask on the pcb in fritzing please.
I would like to put LEDs behind the pcb so that you can see them when they light up.
You need to make a custom part with copper with no fill in the area you don’t want solder mask. I believe it is documented somewhere in the forums.
I make some top panels with fritzing, and they just have cutouts and some silkscreen. They come back from jlcpcb without soldermask as long as I don’t do a copper fill. And example: moat/keep.v4_top.fzz at master · poetaster/moat · GitHub
This technique gives you more control over your design by letting you choose which parts of your PCB won’t have a solder mask. It’s very helpful for making test points or pads for hand soldering.
You can visit this pcb - How to remove solder mask? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange