No puedo ejecutarlo

Se queda bloqueado al ejecutar en el 14%. Ayuda por favor. Gracias

No puedo ejecutarlo
I can’t run it

Se queda bloqueado al ejecutar en el 14%. Ayuda por favor. Gracias
You get stuck running at 14%. Please help. Thanks

This information is not very helpful.
Do you have problems with Fritzing or with a design.
Describe what your problem is. If possible in English.

We see similar issues here on the forum fairly regularly. Instead of just answering it again, I created a FAQ document on the wiki, and answered it there.

Here is a link through google translate to Spanish.

Vemos problemas similares aquí en el foro con bastante regularidad. En lugar de contestarlo nuevamente, creé un documento de preguntas frecuentes en la wiki y lo respondí allí.

Aquí hay un enlace a través de Google Translate al español.

The FAQ is a good idea! You likely need

c:\users\username\AppData\Fritzing\roaming\Fritzing (which is a hidden directory so you need to enable hidden directories in explorer)

in the Windows section of the FAQ too (that is the .config file in the other two.)


I have added that. I did not see that detail when writing the original.

Note that as a github user, you can make your own changes and additions to the wiki content. Sign in to github, click the wiki link, click edit. Just about like editing comment content here.