I’ve been struggling with this part of the process. I continually get the error: “This version of the new Parts Editor can not deal with separate copper0 and copper1 layers in [SVG file location]… So editing may produce an invalid PCB view image…”
The other issue is that Fritzing is resizing my strokes.
Another thing is that my silkscreens often go unrecognized.
There are headers in FZ so put one in a view, select pin #, right-click Edit, go to PCB view and File/Find Part svg, grab that svg and move the pads to your 2mm pitch and shrink the silk, then File/Load svg back in the Edit, and save as new part.
Don’t know Illustrator, but in Inkscape you select the pad and just change the dimensions in the top tool bar.
There is a video tutorial series, PCB I believe.
I can’t get an svg out of the link (and it renders oddly). The forum sometimes has trouble rendering svgs in which case we rename the svg to fzpz (which the forum doesn’t try and render) and upload that with a note that it is really an svg.
Yep that works. The format looks mostly correct. The silkscreen layer should be a group rather than a path. In Inkscape’s xml editor it should look like:
<svg:g id="silkscreen">
<svg: line="line6">
rather than
<svg:path id="silkscreen"
although Fritzing may accept yours fine.
but copper1 and copper0 look correct. The message you got is usually because of something like this:
Your file looks correct to me. Indeed when I substituted your svg for the one in a generic 10 pin header, it loads without compliant on Fritzing 0.9.3b on Windows although the connectors show as incorrect because they don’t start at connector 0 as they should. If I change connector0pin to connector10pin for pcb in the fzp file your svg loads fine for me under Fritzing 0.9.3b on Win7. It creates gerbers that look correct (although the pad is too small and the hole to large just looking at it). It appears to be happy with silkscreen as is since it created a box around the pads on the gerber. If you post the fzpz file that doesn’t work for you I’ll have a look at it and see if I can see a problem and/or if it loads for me which may indicate you have a database corruption problem.
That’s probably the trouble I’m running into with the silkscreens. Here’s a screen shot of a side by side of what I have on Illustrator and how it’s importing in Fritzing. Thanks so much for all of the tips! Maybe I will reinstall to see if that helps the possible database issue.
This is likely viewbox truncation. The pads are likely outside the defined viewbox and Fritzing will truncate them. To clear the database you need to delete the two user directories (the path varies by operating system), just a reinstall won’t affect them. They are where all your sketches and parts are though so you need to have exported everything you want before doing that. I use Inkscape rather than Illustrator so I’m probably not much help in telling you how to fix up the viewbox. In Inkscape you select the entire drawing then in document properties click on resize drawing to page which adjusts the view box (and maybe internal scaling) to the edges of the document. It looks like the hole sizing is likely off as well. Again on Inkscape (and I know Corel Draw is different) the hole size is diameter of the pad - 2*stroke width. So for the standard 0.038 hole for a .1 pin, the diameter is .078 in with the stroke width set to 20 (thou). While I’m here I should verify that you know that standard headers are available in core parts. You drag the 2 pin header in to the sketch from the core parts bin and then with Inspector (lower right window) you can select a 10 pin version and it will change the sketch for you. You may already know that, and are trying to figure out the joy that is part creation, but I figured I’d check that you aren’t unintentionally reinventing the wheel :-), Ah, my bad. I didn’t look closely enough at the xml (and didn’t run this through my part check script which would have warned about this). You have a transform translate in copper1 which isn’t in copper0. This will cause several problems (the pads will shift position if you change from top of the board to bottom is one, and sometimes truncation as you are seeing as well). In Inkscape ungrouping will remove the translates and then you can regroup again. Inkscape loves the translates and stopping it from inserting them is a constant fight.