New part OLED 0,96" - red mask?

I used the “EDIT PARTS” and changed the existing OLED (no IC and 20 pins) with a four contacts equivalent. I see the SVG perfectly but when I “load image for view” in Fritzing parts editor it is all RED??? I save as “PURE SVG” from INKSCAPE.

Insisting I found that I missed the step of assigning the contacts to the graphic. Now it works perfectly. (i.e. Never give up!)
Thanks anyway

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boleh aku minta file format .fzpz untuk oled 0.96"

Sure. A google search for “fritzing part 0.96in oled” turns up a number of hits. If one of them doesn’t do what you need then you need to provide a data sheet for the part you want.


via google translate

pasti. Carian google untuk “fritzing part 0.96in oled” menghasilkan beberapa hits. Jika salah seorang daripada mereka tidak melakukan apa yang anda perlukan maka anda perlu menyediakan helaian data untuk bahagian yang anda inginkan.