Need Some Custom Parts Made

Although I’m not aware of an announcement, I think the parts making service has died (along with development) as the last person to try some months ago also got no response. In any case I think probably most of your parts exist unless you need odd cases. The 4n35 should be served by:

unless it is a different smd case. There are a couple of MCP23017 parts around I’d start with adafruit’s as likely being the best quality , possibly not smd but that is a minor change if you specify what package you are looking for.

edit: On looking at it, the adadruit one isn’t a good choice. Use this, modified from a part someone posted some time back. This is soic28 if you want something different we would need to find or create a footprint.

MCP23017-smd.fzpz (9.7 KB)

The answer in this post likely also will do for you unless the pcb silkscreen is too different, again an easy change if so.
