Moving text in layout

When trying to move text which I made under a component, most of the time
it is impossible to select it and move it to a new place in the layout.
Here an exapmle what I mean:

It is almost impossible for me to select that “+” sign under that electrolytic
capacitor and then move it to another place without removing that capacitor and then execute that move.
Is there a cleverer way to do that without deleting that capacitor firstly? And yes, I tried also to switch to the “Top Layer” and then tried to select that “+” sign but in vain.

You can try moving the part to the back like this:

that I think is the official way to do this, but for me it usually doesn’t work. What does work is this (although it is more work to arrange)

view->hide all layers

view->select silkscreen top

then move the text


I think there were some improvements in 1.0.4 (but I’m not sure if this problem was solved). If you are using that version, try to zoom in.