Hello, does anyone have the model of AVR128DB48 please?
Hello, does anyone have the model of AVR128DB48 please?
Maybe, but I have no idea what an AVR128DB48 might be (which is why the template is in this category although you appear to have deleted it without providing the information it requested which is a web site with the physical dimensions of the part and what the connections look like which are required to make a part if there isn’t one.) As well a google search of the form “fritzing part AVR128DB48” indicates that there doesn’t currently appear to be a part that matches this particular string so further information would be required to tell us exactly what you want.
OK, I’ll make the part
This should be the part you want
Note that the Target Power Strap pins and the MVIO/VDDIO2 pins are configured as female to prevent connection to a breadboard
Mounting holes are also not drilled by defualt, so if you want mounting holes, drag a hole part into PCB and set it to the correct size
It looks really good. Where can I download the model?