Want to use this 6 pin socket but can’t find anywhere. Anyone can help?
https://aliexpress.ru/item/4000234491084.html or this https://aliexpress.ru/item/32966491026.html
There is a part here
but it has a lot more than 6 pins. found via a google search for “fritzing part usb3.1 60 type c connector smd”
Yes I found this part but I need 6 pin. Google show me nothing.
I will try do it myself
Careful! Part creation is complex! We can help you make one (or you do? If you want to do maybe you can post your self-made part so we can help you improve it)
I will be grateful if you do it according to the requirements.
Hmm, image not explicit enough
What are the units of these values (circled in green)? What is the distance between each pad? What are the dimensions of each pad? What are the names of each connector? (e.g. GND, VCC, etc. If cannot find the names, I’ll just put as B12, B9, A5, etc.)
edit: breadboard and schematic views completed, now left with pcb view…
USB Type C (6 pins)-incomplete.fzpz (9.5 KB)
The measurements are likely mm. The slots however are a problem as Fritzing doesn’t support slots in parts. Could be done by two 0.6mm holes but it would be messy (and the board house may object to the overlap as it is likely to break drills and need to be filed or milled after fabrication.)
Yes the units are mm (from the referenced web site)
Can you help me do up the PCB view? Now close to midnight at my side)
Wait now I’m confused. The image here
implies that width of 1 mounting hole is 0.5 mm.
For your image
it is implied that the width of 1 mounting hole is 0.4 mm
Which is correct?
I have no idea, but would assume the data sheet from the referenced web site (which may or may not be correct.) The original poster would be the only one that could provide a correct answer assuming they have a real part.
Oh nooo… There are 28 different 6 pin connectors:
@dangear Which one do you need? (I believe the PCB for each part is different) If what you want is just generic, then Peter, I think just use your photo