Name of the part
IDL-800a Digital Lab
Previous work, similar parts
It’s a logic trainer
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The official documentation of the part manufacture is linked here
Other (Analog Trainer)
Name of the part
IDL-800a Digital Lab
Previous work, similar parts
It’s a logic trainer
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The official documentation of the part manufacture is linked here
Other (Analog Trainer)
It actually appears to be a digital trainer, but in any case there is not enough documentation available to make a part. We would need flat images showing all the connections (which don’t appear to be available from a google search for “IDL-800a Digital lab” as much as I see is this from the manufacturer’s web site at
which looks like this:
as you can see the labels are unreadable and it is unclear what the connections do (as most are obscured by the angle of the photo.) Even with more information this would be a difficult part to make because of the breadboards included in it (not impossible, but more difficult.)
I think I have gathered enough information to try and make one of these. I’ll try it and see how it works out. Enough google searching appears to have generated enough information to do this.
It is a big system. Thank you for replying. It is an old device.
There should be a part available in a while. I need to create new breadboards as the ones on this unit are non standard which will take a while.
OK, took a while but here are the two parts you need:
IDL-800A-bb.fzpz (98.9 KB)
IDL-800A-ctks.fzpz (31.8 KB)
one is the IDL (IDL-800A-ctks.fzpz) and the other is the breadboard inside it (which can be replaced with the standard breadboard which some of the units found in a google search have.) It looks like this with both parts loaded and breadboard moved in to position in the ctks part.
Of note both displays are grey. This is so you can add text so you can change the values without modifying the part like this:
drag the text icon in to the sketch, position it, then in Inspector change the text value, change the color and change the size to suit. As well the knobs have no indicators for the same reason (although this one is a little more difficult)
I was too lazy to create an svg image and it appears you can only rotate the images by 90 degrees, but it should be possible to make an image of the indicator knob and load it in to the sketch to indicate where the switch is positioned (although each new position will need a different svg to be loaded it appears.) In any case this should do what you want.