Looking for step up part (sort of)

I have a project which uses a 3.7V Lipo battery and I was looking for a step-up convertor to 5V as pictured below. I’m pretty new so I’m not sure if there are any alternatives for the converter and if so what the pinouts would be to the battery and the Arduino. Thanks for your help! image

The full circuit is here:

Welcome aboard, I don’t think this part exists yet, so we would need a pointer to the web page for the converter to get dimensions and wiring information to make a part. If you have a part number or name a google search of the form “fritzing part part-name” may find an existing part that will work.


After a bit of research, I found this part https://www.addicore.com/TP4056-Charger-and-Protection-Module-p/ad310.htm, which seems to do exactly what I want. The website has the dimensions but I am not entirely sure about the modules on it and what they do.

This isn’t the same as the original part. This is only the charger and protection circuit for the battery, it doesn’t have a boost 5V output from the battery that the original part has. A google search for “lipo battery charger with 5v output” turns up a variety of parts (Sparkfun and Adafruit as well as generic (and cheaper) ones from ebay et. al.) Pick one that fits your budget / time constraints.


Ah ok, I see what you mean. The third one down: https://hobbycomponents.com/power/998-lipo-charging-with-step-up-boost-converter-module seems to be a good price, does what I want and comes with dimensions. Could this work? Thanks for all your help so far also.

Yes there should be enough there to make a part from. I’ll make one and post it in a while.


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Thanks man :slight_smile:

This should do what you need.

lipo-charger-boost-converter.fzpz (13.3 KB)

Download the .fzpz file and from Friting File->open->lipo-charger-boost-converter.fzpz will load the part in to the mine parts bin ready for use. PCB may not be all that accurate though as I made it from the jpg image on the web site.


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Yep worked perfectly thanks man :+1: