Looking for SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader - M7E Hecto (WRL-24738)

I’m working on my senior design project and need this part to try and make a PCB for it. If anybody has this part Id love to receive the file, thank you.

Name of the part
SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader - M7E Hecto (WRL-24738)

The official documentation of the part manufacture is linked here:

Breakout board, sub assembly, plug in module (A)
Integrated Circuit (IC)

Now I’m creating this part. Just to confirm – What are the connectors here

There is a schematic in the Sparkfun docs. There are also Eagle files meaning Eagle2Fritzing would maybe produce a part when I get to it.


OK, I’ll make just the breadboard SVG :slight_smile:

Eagle2Fritzng generally makes a breadboard svg. I’m just about finished my current project and should get to this later today.


Oh, I see. Nvm, just finished breadboard view right before you posted.

OK then assuming e2f produces one it won’t be needed :slight_smile:


This is what your breadboard should look like (from the Eagle files)


the blue background needs to change to red, mostly of interest for pad placement though as I didn’t post process the svg to remove the unwanted pins that are probably present.

and pcb


(silkscreen here is white, you need to change it to black to be useful.) Schematic is present but Randy’s extension is a better bet.


This should be the part you want. Please stay tuned for any updates :slight_smile: (part is subjected to issues)
SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader - M7E Hecto (WRL-24738).fzpz (38.9 KB)

Don’t see any obvious problems …


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Thank you all so very much.