Looking for Flutesan 10k potentiometer part. Can anyone help?

Here’s a picture of the part and its pinout:

I couldn’t find a datasheet for it, I could give the Amazon link I bought it from if needed.

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We would need to know the spacing on the pins and the size of the pins (to set the correct hole size in pcb) before we could make or supply a part. If there is no datasheet (and I don’t see anything with a google search) then you need to measure the width of the pin (preferably with calipers for accuracy) , and the spacing (since they are breadboard compatible I assume 0.1in spacing) between the pins both side to side and back to front, and post the results. From the image above it looks like 0.2in side to side (with the two top pins being the ends of the resistor) and the wiper in the middle offset 0.1in, but the pin size is a mystery and needs to be measured.


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Pin spacing is 2.54mm (0.1in) and pin diameter is 1mm (0.0394in).
Here it is compared to a Nano:

With a few warnings, this part should do what you want.

Flutesan-Breadboard-Trim-06.fzpz (3.7 KB)

The holes in pcb are 0.038in (the standard size for a 0.1in header) which is slightly smaller than the quoted 1mm pin size but seems a more likely value. It would be wise to check the pins will fit in a 0.038in hole before ordering boards! The main issue is the placement of silkscreen in pcb relative to the pins. This is just a guess as there is no clear images that I can find about the pin spacing relative to the body. It is easy to change if you can measure it though.

The pins themselves should be correct, they are on 0.1in boundaries, but the rectangle may well be incorrect relative to the pins. As well this part is top view which means it fits within the space the actual part takes in breadboard (to make it suitable for use on perf board) rather than the normal semi 3d layout that extends beyond the actual board area in breadboard. Here is one of the standard pots as a comparison:

Doesn’t look as nice but is more functional if you are using perf board. If I was better at graphic artistry I could probably gotten at least a little of the shaft shown, but I’m not :slight_smile: .If someone else is i’m happy to accept donations …


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Thank you so much! :grinning: