Looking for ESP32-C6-DevKitM-1 part

I’m looking for this specific dev board part. Does anyone have one made? If not, how difficult would it be to make one?

A search in the forum search bar for esp32-c6 devkit turns up this post from a few days ago

as would a google search of the form “fritzing part esp32-c6 devkit”. Both searches are the appropriate place to start when looking for parts that you can’t find.


Hi Peter, just so you are aware this person wasn’t asking for the devkit that you linked. I know that a lot of these devkits and boards look similar.

The board you link to uses an ESP32-c6-wroom-1, this board uses the esp32-c6-mini-1
ESP32-C6-DevkitM-1 and ESP32-C6-DevkitC-1-N8 and then the board you linked are all similar but different.

Then they needed to link a data sheet for the actual board they wanted. They didn’t choose to do that, so they either found something that worked or gave up. Without sufficient information the best I can do is point people at what is available. They don’t appear to be interested in providing the information needed. which is fine, but does result in no part if there isn’t already one.
