While that works, it usually doesn’t work very well and you are usually better to create an image using the graphics constructs although it is much harder.
I don’t know of one, but someone else may have a trick to do it.
They are a scaled down version of the breadboard svg usually so the capability is there, I’m just not sure the code supports it.
I’m near Vancouver Canada (on the west coast).
The most likely cause of this is that Fritzing failed to delete the original svg file when you deleted the original part and thus reused the breadboard svg file without the text. To fix that, delete the DM860A Stepper Motor Driver from your mine parts bin and close Frtizing. Then look in
and delete file
if it is there.
Then in
c:\Users\username\My Documents\Fritzing\parts\svg\user\breadboard
delete file
if it is there. Repeat this for the icon pcb (which should be empty) and schematic directories. Then when you reload the new part you should get the text. Fritzing has a bug where it forgets to actually delete the underlying files sometimes when you delete a part. As to the unzipping, you are unzippping the sketch file (.fzz) when you want to unzip the part file (.fzpz). If you unzip the part file you will get these files from it:
DM860A Stepper Motor Driver.fzpz unzips to:
after modifying the svg (and if using Inkscape, using a text editor on the resulting svg file to remove the trailing px from the font-size commands) you zip these 5 files again then rename the .zip file to .fzpz and Fritzing will then load the part. Note that if you do this, you need to keep a backup copy of the two directories
c:\users\username\AppData\Fritzing\roaming\Fritzing (which is a hidden directory so you need to enable hidden directories in explorer) and
c:\Users\username\My Documents\Fritzing (where username is your windows id)
because if you make a mistake, sometimes Fritzing will hang and corrupt the two directories above and to recover (without losing all your sketches) you need to move your backup copies back in to those directories. Probably a good place to start working with Inkscape is to try and add the lines around the text in the
from the part. To do so you need to get a white line (duplicate an existing one is what I usually do) and then modify its position and placement with Inkscape. You will likely discover that isn’t as easy as it sounds, but it will get you used to Inkscape. The Inkscape tutorials are quite good as well but it is very complex.
Edit: Here is a part for the power supply.
edit1 (June 2024) replace this part with a corrected one.
S-350-60 Power Supply.fzpz (7.0 KB)