Looking for 2.8inch HDMI IPS LCD Display (H), 480×640, Adjustable Brightness, Optical Bonding Screen

Name of the part
2.8inch HDMI IPS LCD Display (H), 480×640, Adjustable Brightness, Optical Bonding Screen

Previous work, similar parts
In case there are similar Fritzing parts, or you already started work, please link it here.

Comment: the link contains screen display with pins. but the board that I want seems to have only HDMI and type c ports with no pins. If you can make them clear in the design (I mean the HDMI and type c port, I would be thankful).

Top view
This picture shows the part from above, so that is easy to see were connectors should go, and which diameter they have.

Foto or vector graphic, no links here please.

The official documentation of the part manufacture is linked here:

Please add a link to PDF of the manufacturers datasheet

I did not read this
Breakout board, sub assembly, plug in module (A)
Antenna (AE)
Battery (BT)
Capacitor (C)
Diode (D)
Display (DS)
Fuse (F)
Hardware , mounting screws, etc. (H)
Jack, fixed part of a connector pair, header (J)
Relay (K)
Inductor, Coil, Ferrite bead (L)
Loudspeaker, Buzzer (LS)
Motor (M)
Microphone (MK)
Plug, moveable part of a connector pair (P)
Transistor (Q)
Resistor (R)
Thermistor (RT)
Varistor (RV)
Switch (S)
Transformer (T)
Integrated Circuit (IC)
Crystal, Oscillator (Y)
Zender diode (Z)
Other (please specifiy)

E.g. SOT23-5 , TO-220.
This usually does not apply to breakout boards.

No point making a part for this as it is hdmi input and there are no hdmi connections in Fritzing parts. For cosmetic use in breadboard you can use an image (svg is the best, but a jpeg or other image will work just look bad when zoomed.)
