It doesn’t look like there is one (this looks more like an edited with paint or similar program image than a Fritzing part.) There isn’t any parts for the FC-16 which this appears to be. I’ll see if I can find enough information to make a part for the FC-16, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of information (such as size and position of connectors.)
OK here are two parts (because there are two common types of this module), first a single version (which technically they both are)
fc-16-single.fzpz (5.7 KB)
which looks like this:
On the real part the display goes to the edge of the connectors, but I chose to leave the connectors visible.Then the part you actually asked for which is 4 of these connected together:
fc-16-4pos.fzpz (11.2 KB)
and is in fact 4 copies of the first one in a single part. Technically you need to connect wires on the 3 middle sets of connectors (done with jumpers in real life it appears) but you can drive each board from a different CPU if you want by disconnecting the jumpers so you can in this part as well. This one looks like this:
As usual mounting holes are only on silkscreen and you need to drag a hole over them in the sketch to actually drill the mounting holes.