Latest 'app' version of Fritzing for Linux Mint

What is the type of app (‘deb’, appimage, flatpak, ppa, etc) of the latest version of Fritzing to download?
I can’t find any hint about that on the download page.
The only thing what they’re asking for is a payment of €8 for the download (paywall).
… And I thought Fritzing is open-source.
Thanks for any response.

Linux Mint v 21.3

PS. the latest flatpak version available is only 0.9.6. :frowning:

The latest version is Fritzing 1.0.4 which is available as an appimage on the download page (after the 8 euro donation) or you can build it from source from the source code available on github (the 8 euro donation is a much better bet having done both …)


I hear you.
But Appimages are not running on LM v21.3 (at least not on my installation).
I might consider to donate 8Euro and build from source.

The appimage runs for me on Mint linux (probably an older version though.) You don’t need to donate if you are building from source, the source is available on gitub here

building it is however non trivial and not particularly documented well so you need to have a lot of experience at development. It requires QT (typically a day or more to install for me) and a bunch of other prereqs now including nspice (I haven’t built from source in 3 or 4 years.) There are some docs in the tutorials section for building but they are all for 0.9.3b from 2016 and current versions are likely very different. I would risk the 8 euros and see if the supplied appimage will run for you first before trying a build from source.


Yes. When you install QT (using the online installer), good luck as you will encounter problems during installation :slight_smile: (at least for me, I couldn’t even get pass the “welcome” segment…)

If your computer has no storage, you are going to experience some problems…

If the source from GitHub is not compiling, or at least not that easy, I’m wondering how the Fritzing team is compiling the source. Appears to me that the GitHub source is not identical to the source they are using.

I have compiled several applications from GitHub source (e.g. Marlin) without any hitches.
I looks very strange to me.

The source is the release, the source just is not and never has been easy to compile. It is possible if you have enough experience as a developer and a lot of time to download and install the various packages required to compile the source (QT alone usually takes me 2 or 3 multi hour downloads to get correct), it just isn’t easy and is a lot of work. I find just paying the donation is a lot easier. The choice however is yours. You may find the tutorials on compiling in the developers section of the forum usful, but all the ones I am aware of are for 0.9.3B which is older and probably don’t work for 1.0.4 (the current version) as at least nspice (and possibly more pre requisites have been added since.) It was never easy (having written at least one tutorial before development restarted, I can testify to that it took me months to get a working build because at that time there was no development team any more.) As noted I find it easier to just pay the donation and download a working install, but the choice is as always yours.
