LaskaKit BH1750 Light intensity sensor

Hi :slight_smile:
Would someone be so kind as to create this module for me?

Thank you very much in advance

Is it possible to post the top view of this module?
I did a Google Lens search for the top view but came up with other parts…

Edit: This is the closest

but wrong part

edit: At least I managed to churn the shape out (right click β†’ save image as to save this svg)

LaskaKit BH1750-shape

THANK YOU :slight_smile:

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Update 1: Breadboard view completed

LaskaKit BH1750_bb

Update 2: Schematic view completed

LaskaKit BH1750_sch

Update 3: PCB View completed

LaskaKit BH1750_pcb

Update 4: Part completed*

Laskit BH1750 Light Intensity Sensor.fzpz (15.2 KB)

*Subjected to issues (I’m a careless person!)

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