Kalih switch socket part file

This is my final version of the switch socket. I’ve now been able test IRL with the socket and a switch and it all lines up for me :slight_smile:

Kailh switch socket.fzpz (215.0 KB)

Part contains 2 variants - one has all the switch mount holes - seem in screen shot, the other only has the centre switch hole since most switches these days seem to only have the centre locator pin bit

Since it’s not possible to use THT and SMD in the same fritzing part, I placed 4 small circles on the silkscreen layer so that if you want to add LED pins, you know where to place pin headers. I’ve accounted for 4 pins since some RGB Leds can fit. The BLUE- would also be the negative (cathode) of a 2 pin led as you can be seen above the circles, with rgb pin out below them

Remember, this part would normally be mounted on the BOTTOM layer, with the switch connecting to it from the top

Because the holes are nonconn they will be drilled so all that will be missing are the LED holes (which because they are through hole won’t work on a SMD part)

the blue circles will be drilled the purple ones (on silkscreen) will not. Note this is on top of the board as well (not bottom.)


Correct, the 3 or 5 holes depending on variant are for the plastic locator pin things on the bottom of the switches themselves. The 4 small purples holes are for silkscreen only so that if someone wants to add LED/RGB LED they can place the normal header pin part on to those silkscreen markers if that makes sense :slight_smile: