i create this account just to share my thoughts
i used fritzing some years ago maybe 3-4 times just to view a copule files, i am not a developer nor an electronic guy, so i won’t use fritzing intensively or even less will compile it, so i don’t think i must pay for the light use i could do to it
what could happen now that have to pay to download the executables?.. is funny, supposedly fritzing is open source, but now you could find it “pirated” from many download sites… and developer can’t do nothing because fritzing is supposedly “open source” and offer binaries by “donations”
i understand “donations” like if a homeless man or an organization ask for money and i give them a “donation”, i am not obligated to give them money so he couldn’t try to manipulating me in any way to obligating me to give them money, because a donation is VOLUNTEER… so this is actually not a “donation” but a BUY
i see developer choose a path similar to redhat… until still open source, redhat linux was once totally free (as in freedom and as in free beer) with every versions and files freely downloadable… but a couple decades ago they switched to a business model where they SELL THE BINARIES, they are still open “source” in the sense the source code needed to build those binaries are still publicly available without any restriction (that is for there exists derivated projects like centos or fedora)
that means: “you can build the latest version by yourself for free(dom)” “by downloading the source code, the compiler, the libraries, setting the environment, research how to do it, invest time, etc etc”… … “OR… skip all headaches and time and BUY an already-compiled binary from us”
supossedly if you have the knowledge, skill, time and resources, you can build the binaries by yourself… and, if you reproduce the steps exactly, and have exactly the same environment and configurations, the binary produced should be exactly the same that downloaded bit-by-bit (i.e. have the same hash)
but this is not the case with the current version of fritzing, where it seem there is no way to reproduce the same binary offered by buying because the source code of each release (especially the latest) is not available, or not easily at least… that is for the title ot this topic, fritzing is not opensource anymore because the source code needed to build the advertised version is not available
so, supposing the latest source code is available, there still will be more restrictions/annoyances… for example if i decide to get it for free things are a little complicated for people like me that are just basic and common desktop users… i feel forced to read large and technical tutorials and (often outdated/incomplete/unprecise) documents, forced to install large compiler/ide programs/tools that i don’t know/want/like, try to do slow and technical tasks, maybe i will fail many times due lack of experience, etc… sounds frustrating like a torture
note that as fritzing is said open source, then it is totally legal if anyone share his binary (downloaded from official site or precompiled by himself) as long as is unaltered
so, all this makes me feel like fritzing developers are trying to forcing us to BUY (not “donate” to) his software… and as they don’t name things by its name, some people could additionaly feel cheated
at least speak clear… for example, if you browse redhat website they clearly states tems like “BUY”, “pricing”, “trial”, etc (that’s fine, anyone healty should understand developing is hard and some retribution is fair)… but also “browse source code”, where you can browse code for every release…
so… imho, if still want to be qualified as opensource, the webpage should instead say:
- DOWLOAD LATEST VERSION SOURCE CODE (read full updated build instructions here)