Join/solder LED anodes help

Hello all,

I’m new to Fritzing and I’m trying to replicate a project through this app. I have soldered 3 LED anodes together and connected them to 5V. Issue is, I don’t know how to solder them or join the anodes together on Fritzing. How do I solve this? Is there maybe any part that I can download for me to make this possible?

Thanks for the help in advance!

If I understood correctly, is this what you want to do?

Join-solderLED anodes-example_bb

Join-solderLED anodes-example.fzz (1.8 KB)

Yes. I want to do that and connect one wire to it so each anode has the same wire connected to it.

So like this:
Join-solderLED anodes-connectToPinHeader.fzz (2.2 KB)
Join-solderLED anodes-connectToPinHeader_bb

Just hover your cursor over the wire connector,


left-click + drag downwards to reveal the wire.


Or just drag down the wire down to another part using my example sketch here

  1. hover your cursor over the wire connector

  2. left-click + drag down to connect (e.g. resistor)

Hope this helps!

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I tried it now, it worked. Thanks!

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Good! Remember to check Schematic and PCB views to see if they are really connected (ratnest lines should appear linking up the LEDs like this…

…provided that you checked the ratnest checkbox)