Issue with custom created fritzing part

It may be easiest to upload the .fzpz file of your part here (upload is the 7th icon from the left in the reply tool bar) so we have the complete part to look at. That said this will be in the schematic svg file that you mention above (you can also export the part, then unzip the fzpz file to get it in a file called svg.schematic.MCP2551_25828293fcd6bb68e17b63fa536d7d1d_3_schematic.svg but either will do). In Inkscape you are looking for the line with the id connector7pin (for the top line) and connector7terminal. If you select that line and in the tool bar change units from the default px to in then add .2 in to the x coordinate of the line that will move it the necessary .2 inches to the right to align it properly. Do the same thing to the connector7 (and 6, 5 and4!) terminals and you should be fine. Note that for at least terminals the generic IC sets the width to 0 which means Inkscape will not select the items if you drag a select window around them. I usually change the width to non 0 to make my life easier (and am working on such a change in the sources). If you haven’t seen them here are a couple of tutorials that apply to the latest version of Fritzing (mine deals with things like the above in Inkscape):

Parts making is complex, but a number of us are will to help so feel free to post your part and tell us whats broken and one of us can likely either fix it for you or tell you how to do it.
