IP5310 module parts help

IP5310 (Integrated USB TYPE-C Power Bank System-On-Chip
with 3A charger, 3.1A discharger)

Can someone help me have a fzpz file on this power module? (Learned that TP4056+buck converters can’t suffice the demands in my components and was stumbled upon this module wherein it is already a charging module + boost converter to 5v with various protection properties)

This is its datasheet: wiki.geekworm.com/images/c/ce/IP5310-datasheet-en.pdf#page=1.20

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

A web site like this with connector information and board physical dimensions is required to make a part. The chip data sheet is useless and the picture not much better.

that said there doesn’t appear to be a part so I will make one.


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Oh okay, this is noted. I will make sure to keep this on mind when it happen that i’ll need another parts. Thank you so much

This part should do what you want.

IPS5310-module.fzpz (13.2 KB)


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Thank you so much! :grin: