Import PCB into Fusion 360

I’m wanting to know whether there is a way to get a finished PCB from the Fritzing environment and get it into the Fusion 360 so that a 3D case can be made.

I don’t know, but the most likely solution would be to import the gerber files (as gerbers are a standard) if Fusion 360 supports that. It is unlikely they have a Fritzing .fzz file importer I expect.


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Yes, I thought of the Gerber files, but I think the Import really wants to work with Eagle. Go figure. I’ve searched around and all of the Youtube videos for this assume the iport is coming from Eagle.

I’ll keep searching. The manual method is almost complete, but it would a lot easier if the PCB was there to visualize everything, instead of printing a dozen coasters!

I believe that fusion360 is the Eagle replacement (from the last time I ran Eagle2Fritzing) so it makes sense that they have a converter from Eagle files, a converter from Fritzing is less likely I’m afraid.


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I think by the end of the year, Eagle will be no longer. All Fusion 360.

Hopefully the old versions will still work otherwise eagle2Fritzing will die which would be a pity.


Fritzing can also export a view to png or svg. With appropriate units for the svg. If Fusion 360 can import one of those to use as a reference.